Do we still need storage exchanges?
Maarten Streppel:
“All fairs and meetings centered on storage have been cancelled for the rest of this year. The outlook for 2021 is uncertain. But, do we actually still need these trade shows?”
Multi-billionaire Buffett enters storage market
Last month, news reached us that the investment vehicle Berkshire Hathaway, the company of famed investor Warren Buffett, will become active in the U.S. self-storage market. What does that mean for the market?
Is storage space rental customized?
Mark Elsendoorn:
“Storage space comes in all shapes and sizes. Whether you offer it in storage units, containers or moving boxes. What do you do if the required space is already leased and there is no other free?”
Auto stockage pendant Covid-19
Au cours de notre ronde d’appels à travers les relations et les clients, on nous a dit ce que les entrepreneurs de stockage faire pour être en mesure de travailler corona-preuve et en même temps maintenir leur service. Nous avons recueilli les meilleurs trucs et astuces pour vous. Profitez-en !
Self Storage during Covid-19
During our call round through relationships and customers we were told what self storage entrepreneurs are able to work corona-proof and at the same time maintain their service. We have collected the best tips and tricks for you. Take advantage of it!
Doing business in corona time
During this Corona period, business as usual often seems impossible, yet, with the help of a good dose of creativity and perseverance from both sides, we managed to serve our customers abroad. Maarten Streppel on difficult deliveries in Switzerland and France.
Flagship store Deventer completed
Our Flagship Store in Deventer has been completed since the end of April 2020. You are most welcome to visit us.