
Auto stockage pendant Covid-19

Auto stockage pendant Covid-19

Au cours de notre ronde d’appels à travers les relations et les clients, on nous a dit ce que les entrepreneurs de stockage faire pour être en mesure de travailler corona-preuve et en même temps maintenir leur service. Nous avons recueilli les meilleurs trucs et astuces pour vous. Profitez-en !

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Self Storage during Covid-19

Self Storage during Covid-19

During our call round through relationships and customers we were told what self storage entrepreneurs are able to work corona-proof and at the same time maintain their service. We have collected the best tips and tricks for you. Take advantage of it!

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Doing business in corona time

Doing business in corona time

During this Corona period, business as usual often seems impossible, yet, with the help of a good dose of creativity and perseverance from both sides, we managed to serve our customers abroad. Maarten Streppel on difficult deliveries in Switzerland and France.

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