
Self storage manager? Get more out of the job!

Last month we discussed some tips for getting more out of the managerial role than you may think is in it. This month’s sequel focusing on social media, search engines and marketing yourself more.

Blijf op de hoogte
Advertentiemethodes en marketingstrategieën veranderen voortdurend. Onderzoek welke strategieën het hoogste rendement opleveren qua tijd en geld. Hier zijn enkele gebieden waarop u zich kunt concentreren:

Social media
Sommige bedrijven hebben hele afdelingen die hun aanwezigheid op sociale media vormgeven. Denk aan Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, enz. Dit is een kans om uw vestiging van een eigen ‘gezicht’ te voorzien en uw bereik een persoonlijk tintje te geven.

Zoekmachines zoals Google en DuckDuckGo worden momenteel het meest gebruikt om uw self storage bedrijf te vinden. Enige kennis van hoe deze sites werken en hun advertentietools inzetten kan dus geen kwaad. Leer dus hoe u deze platforms het best kunt inzetten. Zodat uw bedrijf als een van de eerste komt bovendrijven in de zoekresultaten. Werk ondertussen aan uw schrijfvaardigheid door het opstellen van een internetadvertentie of Googlebericht.

De meeste self storage bedrijven hebben een eigen website. Maar niet elk bedrijf heeft een webdesigner. Vind creatieve manieren om u met uw site te onderscheiden van de concurrentie. Die online chatfunctie van de klantenservice; dat was ooit een geweldig idee van iemand. Ontdek je eigen idee!

Broaden your horizons
Look beyond your job description. What is the owner’s perspective? Even if you don’t want to purchase your own property, simply learning more about the business from the investment and development side will give you a better perspective on the industry and your business operations. For example, consider why the company bought or built the facility you manage.

Location Requirements
Take the time to learn the requirements for a good self storage location and keep your eyes open. Think like an investor or developer. What considerations come into play when building a new facility? What is the average cost per square foot for a facility in your area? Weigh the pros and cons of new construction, remodeling a non-storage building, or buying an existing storage facility. If your business is looking to expand, you may want to share some of your gained insights and expertise.

As a manager, you also need to have some understanding of local consumer demand and what the market looks like in the immediate vicinity of your facility.

Increase your involvement
Join a number of online communities and chat forums to read what other managers are experiencing and to learn about a different perspective on certain issues within the industry. Chatting with other people within one’s own company is also a great way to come up with new ideas and insights.

It is also smart to become a member of one or more industry associations. These often provide the right information to stay up-to-date and to anticipate new legal rules or other developments in a timely and correct manner.

Push yourself
If you push yourself, you will eventually be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment. Especially if you apply your newfound knowledge efficiently or if others recognize your growth. Your own career opportunities increase when you learn or research as much as possible. By showing genuine interest in the self-storage business in general, you are showing your owner or supervisor that it is worth investing in you as an employee.

This can result in promotion, a long, successful career within the company or even finding a new challenge. Good luck!

Source: Anna Ross, Inside Self Storage

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