How do you keep your website up-to-date?
Even if your self storage website still ranks well with the search engines and visitors become customers, it needs regular maintenance. Learn why a regular audit is critical. What should you examine and how often should you do it?
You might think of your website as something that doesn’t need much changing. Because it is purely focused on selling self storage spaces. But standing still is going backwards, especially in the digital world. Because, if nothing changes on your website for a long time, it will be harder and harder to find. Keywords can become obsolete, pages load slower. Thus, there are numerous factors that can negatively impact search engine optimization (SEO). After all, it is very important for the ranking used by the search engines.
Algorithms Google
Google makes numerous algorithm updates on an ongoing basis. In doing so, they take into account the ever-changing search behavior of users. Do you want to start tracking this yourself? You would have just about a full-time job doing it. While some updates are minimal, they can still have quite an impact.
Better to get ahead of those changes. Therefore, regularly re-light the entire website. Is the menu structure still working properly? Is all content still up to date? Are the SEO features updated for the right search terms? A thorough audit will help you find out what can be improved. So that really goes beyond adjusting a keyword here and there.

Small, manageable tasks
Performing routine website maintenance and technical SEO is important. It can help maintain a good position in search results. In doing so, it can support the overall user experience. Tackle these tasks one at a time. This allows you to keep your website current and competitive. This is important within the increasingly competitive self storage industry.
SEO maintenance
A website’s organic performance is crucial to staying found. But what exactly should you focus on when checking the technical SEO of the site? Common items to watch out for are:
404 and 500 errors
Non-functioning links
301 detour
Missing title tags
Missing meta descriptions
Missing alt texts on images
Compressed images larger than 100 kilobytes
Do the search engine robots scanning your website encounter the above issues? Then that will have a negative impact on organic ranking. Some shortcomings have to do with user intent. Others are related to the user experience. Both play a crucial role in the so-called authority score of your self-storage website. Address these issues monthly. Then make sure your website stays “healthy.
More on keeping your website healthy soon.
Source: Kara Johnson | Inside Self Storage
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