USC Christmas Greeting 2023 Jan Hein and Maarten Streppel

End-of-year greetings USC 2023

It is almost becoming a bit of a tradition this way, but like previous years, I am writing this Christmas greeting on my way to Ireland. This trip with two deliveries and a separate appointment is my last flight before 2023.

We look back on a fruitful year for us, but a year of slight cooling for the storage market in general. After some heady but interesting corona years, followed by the tightness of the overheated housing market, the market had become somewhat accustomed to huge growth rates. This year, growth was weaker, and together with rising interest rates, at least for us, it meant a different sentiment than in recent years. Nonetheless, we were allowed to provide fantastic projects this year.

Stable payback period of the Z-Box

Despite a slight chill, our customers continued to invest in our storage containers. This year, by the way, more with our own money than borrowed money like leasing. With interest rates soaring, this was a logical choice. Moreover, the payback period is undiminished.

USC project Mallorca

Various construction projects

This year we have built, delivered and repaired fun projects. We have tried to keep you, the reader, frequently informed without trying to turn directly into a travel blog. The fact is that many a ferry has welcomed our crew, both in the Nordics, England, Ireland and most recently Mallorca. We are fortunate to have a crew that is not easily seasick. The “no sea too high” adage happily applies to our construction team.

In Italy, it is mainly bureaucracy that concerns us. The government does not know exactly what to do with our containers, which keeps customers from getting started. Together with AISI, the Italian self-storage industry association, we started a project to create a best practice for this that can be used for the whole country. Fantastic to see the commitment of the organization led by Cesare Carcano to its members and to progress in the market.

Lead time of projects

What stood out this year were a number of projects that went ahead after several years of planning and consultation. Initial conversations about this arose as early as 2019. After this, it was a long process of practical matters such as financing and permits, but doubt always plays a role as well. We try to play a good role in this by involving everyone in our advice and continuing to encourage clients to continue to express their feelings about the process. Fantastic if this finally inspires enough confidence in our client that we can still realize the container park after all these years.

The FEDESSA, this time our house show

Another highlight of 2023 was the European Fedessa Show in Rotterdam. After England, France and Portugal, among others, this year’s choice was beautiful Holland. For us, this felt extra special, actually like a home game. After all, we don’t get 750 potential interested parties on the floor that often either. In addition to our catered opening party at the Maritime Museum, we also organized an enjoyable site tour to Zierikzee, where Martin and Jascha from Storage Zeeland showed guests around their storage park with Zeeland hospitality and enthusiasm.

In closing, I would like to point you to colleague Danny’s video and report on the renovation project we did for Planet Space in Mallorca last month. In our opinion, this project shows what a solid manufacturer with the right cooperation partner is willing to do for its customer, even seven years after the fact.

On behalf of my brother Jan-Hein and the rest of our team, we would like to thank you for a great year.
Happy holidays and see you in 2024!

More information about our Z-Boxes?